When it comes to making decisions about Areas’ growth strategy and investment decisions, the Finance Team plays a critical role. One major responsibility for the team is developing financial pro forma models to assess the feasibility of new contract opportunities. The team gathers essential information from multiple resources to determine the potential long-term value and return on investment for specific opportunities. Importantly, these are key elements in making the decision on whether to respond to a Request for Proposal, which typically requires significant financial outlays.

This is where the newest member of the Areas Finance team, Michael Weber, comes in. Already a veteran financial analyst in assessing new contract opportunities, Michael’s background is in the healthcare industry, not completely unrelated to hospitality. Both are about taking care of people, and providing services that ensure guests are welcome, comfortable, and truly cared for – just in different ways and settings.

Nashville is home for Michael, his wife, and two-year-old dog Sebastian and he enjoys many activities outside of crunching numbers. In his downtime – and weather permitting – he enjoys a good outdoor romp with his dog, a round of golf at one of the numerous local courses, or kayaking on the many lakes around Nashville. He and his wife take advantage of the dynamic Nashville music and foodie scene, happily sharing favorites and new discoveries with visiting friends and family.

When the weather prohibits outdoor activities, Michael gets busy with in-home projects, including remodeling the house he, his wife, and Sebastian moved into just last September. This is where he leads his homebrew club, exploring the craft of making beer and developing exciting new flavors to share with others.

Welcome to the Areas Finance Team, Michael—a man of many talents and interests, and a great example of the professional and personal diversity Areas seeks in building an outstanding team.

August 4, 2023
Internal news